Raw and Washed Irish Wool and Alpaca

Raw and Washed Irish Wool and Alpaca


Here at Irish Fibre Crafters we strive to support our local sheep and alpaca breeders by selling their fleeces, raw and washed. Felters and spinners who want to work with the fleeces vs. roving, batts or top, will appreciate the quality of the fleeces we carry. You will need to contact us via email, irishfibrecrafters@gmail.com, or ring 085 1430650 for availability and pricing.

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CLADOIR X CARDED FIBRE Cladoir-w-mountain-300x286.jpg
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Natural and Naturally Dyed Carded Batts 010.jpg
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Natural and Naturally Dyed Carded Batts

Alpaca Fibre - Galway Bay Alpacas IMG_20220112_155644.jpg

Alpaca Fibre - Galway Bay Alpacas
